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Implementing a Standard Deep Learning Approach by Tensorflow for Steganalysis
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JSR250 support for Google's DI Framework Guice (@PostConstruct, @PreDestroy)
Original Source: https://code.google.com/archive/p/guice-recipes/, Version 3.0
Updated to use Java 8, Guice 4.2.2 and Guava 28.0
Legal Infos: https://www.opendfki.de/trac/about
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This is the test task for the project Self-Supervised Autoencoder
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fully-connected autoencoder in Pytorch for the CIFAR 10
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This is the implementation for the task for Satellite Image Analysis project
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Muhammad.Ali Shahzad / Deformable-ConvNets
MIT LicenseClone of the public library with some code changes for table structure detection
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This is mmdetection library that implements deformable convolution neural networks. With this library I can use attention layers with mmdetection implemented in pytorch
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A test task where I had to add a custom filter from openCV in a convnet and see the results.
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This is a test task for unsupervised methods for natural language generation.
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The CNN model with cifar10 dataset for 2 versions: 1. normalize data with mean-0 and standard deviation-1 2. samples that lie in the unit cube
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Test Task of Artificial Intelligence 2020 for the topic Better class boundaries with interpolated images.